Today, I start a little new venture.

* * *   T H E  M O N D A Y  C O N V E R G E N C E   * * *

The Monday Convergence may not always have something to do with prisons, but some amount to do with photography.

I hope that the (usually) two images and/or comment offered for side-by-side viewing will sustain you, for a while, with perplexment or amusement.

Temenos. Artist's impression. Anish Kapoor, 2008.

Temenos. Artist's impression. Anish Kapoor, 2008.

Anish Kapoor’s Temenos is the first of five public sculptures for the Teesside area from a £15 million ($25m) pot of gold. It is to be located in Middlehaven, near Middlesbrough. There are a few online resources for information, but the best discussion I found was on a public forum which you should look at (if you are not offended by colourful language). The words might be indecorous, but I totally understand the antipathy of some Teessiders. It’s a big femidom. Read Here.

(L-R) Anish Kapoor, Joe Docherty, Chief Executive of Tees Valley Regeneration, and Cecil Balmond crouch behind a table.

(L-R) Anish Kapoor, Joe Docherty, Chief Executive of Tees Valley Regeneration, and Cecil Balmond crouch behind a table.

Femidom. Credit: The Female Health Company

Femidom. Credit: The Female Health Company

Image Sources: Gazette Live (top); Guardian (middle); FHC (Bottom).

View the BBCs’s introduction to the project, three image gallery and the architects’ brochure.